


6 minutes with the external

At last done with the Project Presentation and the External viva yesterday.

We started with so called Project Subject from near about 2 months from now. From that day onwards I was waiting for yesterday's day i.e. PROJECT EXTERNAL VIVA. Working every day with the same thought in mind. As mentioned in the previous post, my project was 'A mini project', but we added few of the features in it to make it a project from our side. I was very much happy with it, but yesterday I realized after meeting the external that it was still a 'Mini Project'L.

We struggled for it for at least a month, so that its each and every module must work correctly. But before going for the external viva I was very much afraid for only one thing, 'Will I be able to express everything in just 20 minutes?'

Before the day of the external viva I was very much confident with everything. But the moment I entered the lab, the confidence was at no level. There were many other project groups who were with there mega project and ready to demonstrate it with many external attachments. Our project was nothing in front of there 'Mega Projects'.

But still somehow managed to raise some of the confidence level and impress the External that we made it ourselves without any external help. My Project Group no was 7. And we were ready to present it after Group no 6.

From Group No 1 - 6 we realized that the External is taking viva for near about 35 minutes of each group. I was in state of shock or surprise, what are they doing for 35 minutes? Group 6 completed there viva and it was our turn. We made external sit on the chair in front of the PC and displayed the first GUI of our project, he noted down the name and roll numbers.

He started with the question related to the project to one of the project member, next question to another member. Then it was my turn, I was eagerly waiting for the question and was ready to explain everything. He asked me one question whose answer was simply "YES". So, I ended up with just saying "YES".

He took our viva for only 6 minutes and in those 6 minutes I just said "YES". 3 minutes he questioned the other two members, 2 minutes he compared our project with other projects, 5 seconds he wasted in questioning me and getting "YES" in reply. And the rest 95 seconds in thinking 'What is this?', 'Is this the 3rd Year Project?'

He asked nothing else, showed no interest in knowing anything else. So we got only 6 minutes to explain what we did in the past 2 months. I am still confused with the thing, what marks or what remarks he is going to give me on my simple "YES".

Even though our project was nothing in front of others but still it is perfect of me. And before ending the post, I would like to say one thing to other project groups who made a MEGA project, if you made the project yourself, if you did the programming then hats off to you guys. You people are born intelligent and are god gifted. Hope you are proud of yourself. What are you doing here? Go get into some software company or develop your own business, you guys don't need anything.


Dhamma said...

Oh... dats d Attitude... The most hilarious stmnt ws "5 seconds he wasted in questioning me and getting "YES" in reply"... Wel, let it b, it doesnt mattr wht v got... wht v mek frm wht v got does mattr...K.. all d best 4 future nt MEGA bt GIGA Prjcts.. :)

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